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Theoretical & Motor Aspects
‘how is joint action actually defined?’
--- workshop aims
Each sister intends that they, the sisters, cycle together.
The Simple View
Two or more agents perform an intentional joint action
exactly when there is an act-type, φ, such that
each agent intends that
they, these agents, φ together
and their intentions are appropriately related to their actions.
Bratman’s ‘mafia case’
1. I intend that we, you and I, go to NYC together.
2. You intend that we, you and I, go to NYC together.
3. You intend that we, you and I, go to NYC together by way of you forcing me into the back of my car.
‘each agent does not just intend that the group perform the […] joint action.
‘Rather, each agent intends as well that the group perform this joint action in accordance with subplans (of the intentions in favor of the joint action) that mesh’
(Bratman 1992: 332)
We have a shared intention that we J if
‘1. (a) I intend that we J and (b) you intend that we J
‘2. I intend that we J in accordance with and because of la, lb, and meshing subplans of la and lb; you intend [likewise] …
‘3. 1 and 2 are common knowledge between us’
(Bratman 1993: View 4)
1. ‘The notion of a we-intention [shared intention]
... implies the notion of cooperation’
Searle (1990, p. 95)
2. Meeting Bratman’s proposed sufficient conditions for shared intention does not imply that your actions will be cooperative.
3. Bratman’s conditions are not in fact sufficient.
Joint commitment is a ‘precondition of the correct ascription’ of acting together, collective belief, shared intention, and more.’
Gilbert (2013, p. 9)
For us to have
a shared intention that we φ
is for us to be jointly committed
to emulate a single body
intends to φ.
Brat-man | Searle | Gil-bert | Blom-berg | Pach-erie | ... | |
Are all joint actions cooperative? | ✗ | ✓ | ✗? | ✗ | ✓? | ... |
Are commitments necessary for joint action? | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ... |
Does acting jointly entail being aware of doing so? | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ... |
You can’t get joint action from coordination alone.
Orthodox philosophical accounts are
(i) impossible to decide among and
(ii) inoperationalisable.
Thing to Be Explained
Candidate Explanation
dimming of a star
conjecture about a planet
object-tracking abilities in infants
conjecture about innate knowledge
joint action
conjecture about shared intention/commitment/team reasoning/motor representation/...
a different approach
How to characterise joint action?
Step 1: identify features associated with things commonly taken to be paradigm joint actions in nonmechanistic terms, e.g.
- collective goals
- coordination
- cooperation
- contralateral commitments
- experience
- ...
Step 2: ... which generate how questions
Step 3: ... leading to discoveries about mechanisms
common goal
collective goal
‘The injections saved her life.’ [distributive vs collective]
‘The goal of their actions is to find a new home.’
Step 2: How could some agents’ actions have a collective goal?
a clue:
motor representations concerning
another’s actions occur in joint action
Kourtis et al, 2012
Kourtis et al, 2012
Kourtis et al, 2012
Kourtis et al (2014, figure 1c)
Kourtis et al (2014, figure 4a)
Ramenzoni et al, 2014 figure 1
Ramenzoni et al, 2014 figure 1
Ramenzoni et al, 2014 figure 1
della Gatta et al, ‘Drawn Together’ Cognition 2017
What are those motor representations doing here?
Collective goals are represented motorically.
Prediction 1 (della Gatta et al, 2017):
Framing two agents’ simultaneous unimanual actions as joint can induce effects similar to bimanual coupling.
Prediction 2 (Sacheli et al):
Framing two agents’ sequential actions as a joint action modulates the effects of ‘incongruent’ actions.
Sacheli et al, 2018 figure 2 (part)
Sacheli et al, 2018 figure 5
Sacheli et al, 2018 figure 3
What are those motor representations doing here?
Collective goals are represented motorically.
Prediction 1 (della Gatta et al, 2017):
Framing two agents’ simultaneous unimanual actions as joint can induce effects similar to bimanual coupling.
Prediction 2 (Sacheli et al):
Framing two agents’ sequential actions as a joint action modulates the effects of ‘incongruent’ actions.
How to characterise joint action?
Step 1: identify features associated with things commonly taken to be paradigm joint actions in nonmechanistic terms, e.g.
- collective goals
- coordination
- cooperation
- contralateral commitments
- experience
- ...
Step 2: ... which generate how questions
Step 3: ... leading to discoveries about mechanisms
How to characterise joint action?
Step 1: identify features associated with things commonly taken to be paradigm joint actions in nonmechanistic terms, e.g.
- collective goals
- coordination
- cooperation
- contralateral commitments
- experience
- ...
Step 2: ... which generate how questions
Step 3: ... leading to discoveries about mechanisms
We need to identify features associated with things commonly taken to be paradigm joint actions in nonmechanistic terms.
In very small-scale joint actions,
we each typically represent the same outcome motorically,
which facilitates coordination,
grounds a collective goal,
& enables us to cooperate.
‘a human agent should be able to engage in an interaction with a robot in a natural way’